Booking your room is easy! Simply click the "BOOK NOW" button below your preferred hotel and you'll be taken directly to the hotel's website to book at our discounted rate!
If you have hotel questions, need assistance with a group booking, or are interested in booking an upgraded suite, please call or e-mail us at (702) 202-2107 or [email protected]
If you have hotel questions, need assistance with a group booking, or are interested in booking an upgraded suite, please call or e-mail us at (702) 202-2107 or [email protected]
Need a discounted rental car? Fill out the form below to view our discounted rates with National and Enterprise!
- Emerald Aisle Access — Choose any Midsize car in the Emerald aisle Area and only pay the Midsize rate (in US and Canada).
- Faster Free Rental Days — Earn 1 rental credit for every qualified car rental. Free Rental Day = 7 credits.
- No Second Driver Fees — Never pay extra when family members and business associates do the driving.
- & MORE!